by Jung Ji-yong (1902-1950)
This is the place
where, toward the eastern end
of that vast field,
the small brook that babbles
old stories turns around,
and the brindled cow
cries sadly and slowly
in golden glow
How could you forget
this place even in a dream?
This is the place
where, when ashes
in the clay stove get cold,
the sound of the night wind
on the empty field runs like a horse,
and the old Father overcome
with shallow sleepiness
lays himself down,
propped up by a straw pillow
How could you forget
this place even in a dream?
This is the place
where, longing for the blue light of the sky,
my heart has grown in this soil–
it would drench itself in the grassy dew
in search of the arrows I shot at random
How could you forget
this place even in a dream?
This is the place
where the young sister would run,
her hair flying behind her ears,
like the night waves
that dance upon the legendary sea,
and the ordinary-looking wife,
with her feet bare in the field
for all four seasons,
would glean through what remains
with the hot sunlight on her back
How could you forget
this place even in a dream?
This is the place
where the stars sparsely dot the sky
and shuffle their footsteps
toward the unknown sand castle,
the frosty crows
pass by the poor rooftop, howling,
and family sits around the faint light
to talk together softly
How could you forget
this place even in a dream?
Translated by
Chae-Pyong Song and Anne Rashid
– 정지용-
넓은 벌 동쪽 끝으로
옛이야기 지줄대는
실개천이 휘돌아 나가고,
얼룩백이 황소가
해설피 금빛 게으른
울음을 우는 곳.
――그 곳이 차마 꿈엔들 잊힐 리야.
질화로에 재가 식어지면,
비인 밭에 밤바람 소리
말을 달리고,
엷은 졸음에 겨운 늙으신 아버지가 짚베개를
돋워 고이시는 곳.
――그 곳이 차마 꿈엔들 잊힐 리야.
흙에서 자란 내 마음
파아란 하늘 빛이 그리워
함부로 쏜 화살을 찾으러
풀섶 이슬에 함초롬
휘적시던 곳.
――그 곳이 차마 꿈엔들 잊힐 리야.
전설(傳說) 바다에 춤추는 밤 물결 같은
검은 귀밑머리 날리는
어린 누이와
아무렇지도 않고
예쁠 것도 없는,
사철 발 벗은 아내가
따가운 햇살을 등에 지고 이삭 줍던 곳.
――그 곳이 차마 꿈엔들 잊힐 리야.
하늘에는 성근 별
알 수도 없는 모래성으로 발을 옮기고,
서리 까마귀 우지짖고
지나가는 초라한 지붕,
흐릿한 불빛에 돌아앉아
도란도란거리는 곳.
――그 곳이 차마 꿈엔들 잊힐 리야.
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