Send it On

Send it On

Miley Cyrus,
Demi Lovato,
Selena Gomez.

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Send it On

Hey, hey, hey
La, la, la, la, la

I come from there
You rock out in your room
I rock a world premiere
We’re more alike than
Anybody could ever tell
(Ever tell)

Friday, we’re cool
Monday, we’re freaks
Sometimes we rule

we can’t even speak
But we can kick it up and
Let loose and l-o-l (l-o-l)

It may
seem cliche
For me to wanna say
That you’re not alone
And you can call me

But it’s
a simple fact
I got your back
Yeah, yeah, yeah

we’re one
and the same

We’re something
more than ordinary
One and the same

I think we’re
almost legendary
You and me the perfect team
Chasing down the dream
We’re one and
the same

Hey, hey, hey
La, la, la, la, la
I’m kind of like you
You’re kind of like me
We write the same song
In a different key
It’s got a rhythm
You and me
Can get along
(Get along)

it may
seem cliche
For me to wanna say
That you’re not alone

you can
call me uncool
But it’s a simple fact
I still got your back

we’re one
and the same
We’re anything but ordinary
One and the same

I think we’re
almost legendary
You and me the perfect team
Shaking up the scene

Shaking up the scene
We’re one and
the same

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Dave Derby / Colleen Fitzpatrick / Michael Stuart Kotch
Send It On lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company

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