When the men
came to Jesus,
they said,
“John the Baptist
sent us to you to ask,
`Are you the one
who was to come,
or should we expect
someone else?`”
At that very time
Jesus cured many
who had diseases,
sicknesses and
evil spirits, and
gave sight to many
who were blind.
So he replied
to the messengers,
“Go back and
report to John
what you have
seen and heard:
The blind
receive sight,
the lame walk,
those who
have leprosy are cured,
the deaf hear,
the dead are raised,
and the good news is
preached to the poor.
Luke 7:20-22
예수께 나아가 가로되
세례 요한이 우리를 보내어
당신께 말하기를
오실 그이가 당신이오니이까
우리가 다른이를 기다리오리이까
하더이다 하니
마침 그 시에
예수께서 질병과 고통과 및
악귀 들린 자를 많이 고치시며
또 많은 소경을 보게 하신지라
대답하여 가라사대
너희가 가서 보고 들은 것을
요한에게 고하되
소경이 보며
앉은뱅이가 걸으며
문둥이가 깨끗함을 받으며
귀머거리가 들으며
죽은 자가 살아나며
가난한 자에게
복음이 전파된다 하라
누가복음 7:20-22
<Photo from app>