He who has
clean hands and
a pure heart,
who does not
lift up his soul
to an idol
or swear by
what is false.
He will receive blessing
from the LORD
and vindication
from God his Savior.
Psalm 24: 4-5
곧 손이 깨끗하며
마음이 청결하며
뜻을 허탄한데 두지 아니하며
거짓 맹세치
아니하는 자로다
여호와께 복을 받고
구원의 하나님께
의를 얻으리니
시편 24: 4-5
idol: 우상
lift up his soul to an idol: 우상숭배
LLCN http://www.loaloachristiannetwork.com/
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