The King and a Servant: 왕과 한 종의 이야기


The King and a Servant

A King had a male servant who,
in all circumstances always said to him;
My king, do not be discouraged
because everything God does is perfect,
no mistakes.

One day, they went hunting
and a wild animal attacked the king,
the servant managed to kill the animal
but couldn’t prevent his majesty
from losing a finger.

Furious and without showing gratitude,
the King said; if God was good,
I would not have been attacked
and lost one finger.

The servant replied,
‘despite all these things,
I can only tell you that God is good
and everything He does is perfect,
He is never wrong’.

Outraged by the response,
the king ordered the arrest of his servant.
While being taken to prison,
he told the king again, God is Good & Perfect.

Another day, the king left alone
for another hunt and was captured
by savages who use human beings for sacrifice.

On the altar, the savages found out
that the king didn’t have
one finger in place, he was released
because he was considered not
“complete” to be offered to the gods.

On his return to the palace,
he ordered the release of his servant
and said; My friend,
God was really good to me.
I was almost killed but
for lack of a single finger, I was let go.

But I have a question;
If God is so good, why did He allow me
to put you in prison?
His servant replied;
My king, if I had not been put in prison,
I would have gone with you,
and would have been sacrificed,
because I have no missing finger.

From; Foxy Roxy’s Kakao story

<왕과 한 종의 이야기 >

옛날 어느 왕에게
한 종이 있었는데

그종은 항상 왕에게
“왕이여 두려워 마소서
하나님은 완전하십니다.
실수가 없으십니다.”
라고 말하곤 했습니다.

하루는 왕이 사냥을 나갔다가
야생 동물에게 공격을 받아
왕의 손가락을 잃게 되었습니다.
왕은 종에게 화를 내며
옥에 가두라 명했습니다.

어느날 또 왕은 사냥을 나갔다가
온전한 사람을 제믈로 바치는
야만인들에게 붙잡히게 되었습니다.

그들은 왕을 제물로 바치려다가
왕이손가락이 없는 것을 발견하고는
놓아 주었습니다. 살아 돌아온 왕은
그의 종이 늘 하던 말을 기억하며
옥에서 그 종을 풀어주어 다시
그의 시중을 들 수 있도록 명령을 내렸습니다.

왕이 종에게 물었습니다.
하나님이 완전하고 실수가 없으시다면
“왜 짐이 너를 감옥에 가게 하셨느냐?”
고 물었습니다.

종이 대답했습니다,
” 왕이여, 만약 제가 감옥에 있지 않고
왕과 함께 사냥을 나갔다면
그들은 손가락이 없는 왕을 대신해
이 종을 제물로 바쳤을 것 입니다.”

스토리 요약 번역: LLCN 제공
Translation provided by LLCN

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