Art by Kang, Dong Suk. ‘Phenomenon’
A Door Opening
by Ra Hee-duk
A door opened
and the snow covered
the heaven and earth for several days
and a thousand doors closed,
and all the feet were stranded.
Dry grasses
have buried their cold feet in the snow
and cannot even take a step.
Even sounds are trapped.
Somewhere I faintly hear a sound.
I squat down in front of water
because only the running water
hasn’t closed its door,
though its edges are frozen.
With a thousand doors closed,
only the floodgate flowing
toward you remains open.
Though I attempt to catch the snowflakes,
they disappear as soon as they touch water.
The wet snow within the wet eyes–
I, too, step toward the open door.
Translated by
Chae-Pyong Song and Anne Rashid
門이 열리고
한 개의 門이 열려
며칠째 눈발이 천지를
천 개의 門이 닫히고
발들은 모두 묶이고 말았네
마른 풀대도
시린 발목을 눈에 묻고
한 걸음도 내딛지 못하네
소리들도 갇혔네
어디선가 희미하게
들리는 소리,
가장자리는 얼어가지만
흐르는 물만이
門을 닫지 않아
나는 물소리 앞에
쪼그려 앉았네
천 개의 門이 닫히고
당신에게로 흐르는
水門만이 남았네
눈송이를 낚으려 하나
물에 닿는 순간
젖은 눈 속에 젖은 눈,
그 열린 門으로
나도 따라 들어가네
좋은글 감사합니다