Building a Sense of Security in Your Growing Children
Ivy Prep Team on April 5, 2019
Just like all of us, kids have a need to feel secure and safe. They need to feel loved and cared for by the people around them. As you work to raise your little ones in a loving environment, it’s important to make sure your children develop a sense of security. Children who have a feeling of security and safety are likely to become independent and emotionally healthy as they grow.
No matter where your family is from, whether you are raising your children as a single parent or along with a spouse, it is absolutely necessary to help your little ones to feel safe and secure.
But, how do you help to establish a sense of security in your kids? How can you work to make sure they grow into emotionally and mentally healthy adults? And how does security help them to do that? We’ve got some helpful answers for you!
What Does it Mean to Have a Sense of Security?
When we say that it’s important for children to develop a sense of security, what do we really mean? Well, when a child feels secure, he or she feels safe. This is not just a sense of physical safety, although that’s extremely important. But, it is also a feeling of emotional safety and security.
Children need to feel that it is okay for them to express their emotions. It’s okay to feel. They also need to feel that there is stability in their lives.
That is why kids need to have a routine and a consistent and stable atmosphere.
They should know that their needs will be met and that the people around them will make sure that they are kept safe.
A sense of security ensures a feeling of stability and consistency. So, when a child feels this way, it means that the child feels that his or her caregivers are dependable, reliable, and have a genuine care for the little one.
Now that we have discussed what it means for your child to have a true sense of security, let’s talk a little bit about why it is important for your children to feel more secure.
How Your Child Benefits From Feeling Secure

When children develop a sense of security, they will actually experience the benefits throughout many different areas of their lives. Security helps to develop emotional, mental, and physical health.
We’ve mentioned that children who feel secure can feel freer to express their emotions. But this is just one of the benefits of having a sense of security. Children who feel secure also:
* Develop a sense and knowledge of boundaries. This allows the children to know and feel that their home and families are practicing consistency. As a result, your children will feel respected and develop a sense of respect for you.
* Feel that they can trust you. When children have a sense of security, they know that they can trust you. They know that you will meet their needs and they don’t have to worry. Trust is an extremely important part of feeling secure.
* Gain healthy relationships with others. A sense of security can help individuals to feel more comfortable when they encounter and interact with other people. So, your children may connect better with their peers as well as the other adults in their lives as a result of feeling secure and safe.
* Have more self-confidence. Children who have a real feeling of security tend to feel more comfortable with who they are. They feel less afraid to learn about themselves and their world. And they are not fearful about growing up and developing into the people they are meant to be!
How You Can Help Establish a Sense of Security in Your Kids
Now that you have learned a little bit about the benefits of feeling secure, you may wonder how you can help your little ones in this area. Well, there are several things you can do.
Making sure your children’s physical needs are met can be very helpful in helping them to feel safe and secure.
Food, clothing, and shelter are all physical needs.
You can also meet your kids’ emotional needs by listening to them, helping them to express their feelings, and allowing them to feel free to talk to you about what they’re experiencing.
Finally, you can make sure that they grow and learn in an atmosphere that is safe, fun, engaging, and positive!
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