Stray Kids
(Side Effects)
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Side Effects
Song by Stray Kids
Believe in me and threw me
날 믿고서 날 던졌어
But why are you being swept away
하지만 왜 휩쓸리고 있을까
Believe in me and threw me
날 믿고서 날 던졌어
But why
did it only hurt
하지만 왜 아프기만 한 걸까
Get out of the way (actually I’m)
다 비켜 (사실 난)
I’m right (I’m scared)
내가 맞아 (무섭다)
See it all over (Can you do it?)
다 두고 봐 (할 수 있나?)
I’m afraid I won’t be able to
keep those words
그 말들을 지키지 못할까 두렵다
I’m getting different, why
점점 난 달라져 왜
Inside and outside are changing
안과 밖이 달라져 가는데
I’m getting colored now
물들어가는 난 지금
head hurts
머리 아프다
Believe in me
and threw me
날 믿고서 날 던졌어
But why
are you being swept away
하지만 왜 휩쓸리고 있을까
Believe in me and threw me
날 믿고서 날 던졌어
But why
did it only hurt
하지만 왜 아프기만 한 걸까
Oh wait,
I’m weird, why is my focus
아 잠깐 나 이상해
왜 초점이 흐려
Why doesn’t it end, I keep hearing
anxious sounds (yeah, yeah)
왜 안 끝나 불안한 소리가 계속 들려
(yeah, yeah)
I keep going here
여기서도 난 계속
I was full of energy
and believed that
I would overcome it all
패기 넘쳐 다 이겨낼 거라 믿었어
I can’t stand up
to the gaggi anymore
객기도 이젠 못 버텨
Is it more painful
to see it so easily?
너무 쉽게 봐서 더 아픈 걸까
I don’t change in
one hundred days yah
안 변한다 백날 yah
Why am I yelling
외쳐 대던 내가 왜
According to
the surrounding
주변 상황 따라
Is it changing
countless times yeah
수도 없이 변하고 있는 걸까
Depending on
who just touched and passed by
그냥 툭 건드리고
지나간 사람이 누구냐에 따라
Why is my reaction
different too?
왜 내 반응도 달라질까
I like myself again, the head
that used to ride the rhythm
난 또 내가 좋아야 리듬 타던 고개
I get on the rhythm with others
남들 따라 리듬 타게 돼
Will my tastes change as well?
이러다 취향도 달라질까
head hurts
머리 아프다
I swallow a pill called geunjagam
in my mouth (gulp gulp)
근자감이라는 알약을 입에
집어삼켜 (꿀꺽꿀꺽)
Did I eat too much? Now I’m worried
rather than courage (fluttering)
너무 많이 먹었나 이젠 용기보다는 걱정
Everything is changing,
from 1 to 10 (more and more)
다 변해가고 있어 1부터 10까지 모두
Side effects that come up
regardless of my will
내 의지완 상관없이
올라오는 부작용
No, no, no, no
Oh wait, I’m weird,
why are you out of focus
아 잠깐 나 이상해 왜 초점이 흐려
Why doesn’t it end,
I keep hearing anxious sounds
왜 안 끝나 불안한 소리가 계속 들려
I keep going here
여기서도 난 계속
I was full of
energy and believed
that I would overcome it all
패기 넘쳐 다 이겨낼 거라 믿었어
I can’t stand up
to the gaggi anymore
객기도 이젠 못 버텨
Is it more painful to see it so easily?
너무 쉽게 봐서 더 아픈 걸까
Ah… my head hurts
아… 머리 아프다
head hurts
머리 아프다
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: 1take / Tak / Bang Chan (3racha)
/Han (3racha) / Chang Bin (3racha)






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