Photo by Dae Kim
Soon afterward,
Jesus went to a town called Nain,
and his disciples and a large crowd
went along with him.
As he approached the town gate,
a dead person was being carried out —
the only son of his mother,
and she was a widow.
And a large crowd
from the town was with her.
When the Lord saw her,
his heart
went out to her
and he said, “Don`t cry.”
Then he went up
and touched the coffin,
and those carrying it stood still.
He said,
“Young man,
I say to you, get up!”
The dead man
sat up and began to talk,
and Jesus gave him back
to his mother.
They were
all filled with awe
and praised God.
“A great prophet has appeared
among us,” they said.
“God has come to help his people.”
Luke 7: 11-16
그 후에 예수께서
나인이란 성으로 가실쌔
제자와 허다한 무리가 동행하더니
성문에 가까이 오실 때에
사람들이 한 죽은 자를 메고 나오니
이는 그 어미의 독자요
어미는 과부라
그 성의 많은 사람도
그와 함께 나오거늘
과부를 보시고 불쌍히 여기사
울지 말라 하시고
가까이 오사
그 관에 손을 대시니
멘 자들이 서는지라
예수께서 가라사대
내가 네게 말하노니
일어나라 하시매
죽었던 자가
일어앉고 말도 하거늘
예수께서 그를 어미에게 주신대
모든 사람이 두려워하며
하나님께 영광을 돌려 가로되
큰 선지자가 우리 가운데 일어나셨다 하고
또 하나님께서 자기 백성을
돌아보셨다 하더라
누가복음 7: 11-16

<Painting Photo from app>