A New beginning
A storm is another promise
To bestow upon us
with a new beginning
of clean and bright days
Everything in the world is
new and fresh after a storm.
It is a new beginning.
Our life is not any different.
A beautiful sunshiny day
will surely come
after the storm,
like a hardship we go through
when we just persevere.
The dusty trees,
and houses….
all washed clean
after the storm.
The rainbow hung
on the sky peacefully
A wondrous new day is
bestowed upon us
The birds are making joyful noises
The new day surely is coming
and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:11-13
새날이 온다
약속이기도 하다.
천지는 새롭고 깨끗하다.
우리네 삶도 다르지 않아
찬란한 새 아침이 온다.
다 씻겨 맑다.
이것이 나의 세상과의 언약의 증거니라
창세기 9:11-13